2020 Event Videos
From Glenn Matchett – SPC continues its 2020 AX series with strict COVID-19 protocols in place. Here is a video of Gary Lund’s last 3 runs at the September 19, 2020, autocross at the AMCM.
2019 Event Videos
From Ed Springer – Space Coast PCA Gathering at The Grove and Charity Poker Run, August 17, 2019, video from his friend Alex Jackson. At The Groves in Merritt Island, FL as Space Coast Porsche Club of America members gather for breakfast, fellowship and embark on a charity poker run. Over $1,800 was raised for the Brain Tumor Research Alliance at The University of Florida. Beautiful day, amazing!
Thanks to Jurgen Schwanitz for putting these two test runs of the March 2019 AX course together side by side for two very different 911’s.
2018 Event Videos
Thanks to Kevin DeLisle of Porsche Melbourne for this drone video footage taken at the 2018 Porsche vs Corvette Autocross Challenge at the AMCM.
From Turbo Don – We had a great time once again at the Windsor Polo Event. Approximately 50 Porsche’s met at Porsche Melbourne (An Event Sponsor) for a Continental Breakfast and drivers meeting followed by a group drive to the Windsor Polo Grounds. This event was for Alzheimers and Parkinson’s Charity.
This movie is best watched on a big screen TV. Using a cell phone to view it will be an injustice. Thanks to Susan Silverzahn (Suzahn) for her diligent tedious work.
2017 Event Videos
From Turbo Don – Here is a video from the fantastic 911 Appreciation Session at Platinum Werks Collision Center, Saturday 11/04/17. Thanks to Susan Silverzahn for the great video and editing work!
From Ken Marshall – These are videos from April 1, 2017 PCA High Performance Driving Education sessions held at Sebring International. This is a great, safe way to get on the track, learn how to drive your Porsche with a PCA instructor and have fun with Porsche friends. There are 5 classes of driver skill and speed that take the track at different times. Since each driver is evaluated and put into a group of like drivers and cars the speeds are similar and safe. Space Coast had a good group of drivers out for this session and we are expecting a great turnout Mother’s Day weekend before summer break. Anyone interested in DE events can contact Ken or Craig.
Note these videos are from the black run group which is all advanced solo drivers and mostly instructors, so this is not the speed or passing seen in beginner’s sessions.
A few laps from the morning session starring Scott Kee (gray Boxster S), Craig Barrie (white/black GT3 Cup), Ken Marshall (black 991 GT3) and Carmen DeVito (camera car).
Afternoon session of a few fast laps with Tom Kirk and his red 993 racer and Carmen (GT3 camera car) trying to keep pace as Tom puts slower cars between them.