SPC Autocross Program
SPC AutoX events are only open to PCA members driving Porsche cars, with a maximum of 40 entries per event.
On-site check-in and tech inspection will be open from 7:00 AM to 8:00 AM. A $50.00 driver’s fee must be paid online prior to the event and will not be accepted the day of the event.
- Location: 3500 Sarno Road, Melbourne Fl 32934. Please enter from the Museum’s East gate, located on Club 52 Blvd. Please note: The Museum is not open to the public, so there is no access before, during or after the autocross.
- All participants and spectators must sign a waiver.
- Registration, tech and track walk:  7:00 – 8:00 A.M.
Helmets SA2015 or 2020 are required. Loaners are available.
Contact Ken Marshall at ken@gloveroil.com and/or Carmen DeVito at Devito997@gmail.com with any questions.
Access to the American Muscle Car Museum is only during charity events. Â Go to their web site, www.americanmusclecarmuseum.com, to find a charity event in the museum.
See our Autocross Results page for final times and the Competition Report. Â And our Event Photos page for pictures from past AX events.
SPC Autocross Calendar
May 2025
Autocross at AMCM – May 10, 2025
Rules, Classes & Tech
The Autocross Rules are built in collaboration with the AMCM team for the safety of all participants and the AMCM staff and facility. Please download and read them here.
Cars are classed according to performance so that like cars will compete against like cars and driver skill will make the difference. We use PCA 2022 Parade classification of cars.
Sxx classes are completely stock from the factory with NO modifications. Pxx classes are modified from Porsche factory delivery. Additionally AMCM requires all cars have mufflers and no slicks are allowed. Please download and read the classifications here.
Tech Sheet to be filled out by the driver prior to the event and brought to the event. Self tech is an honor system, so please do all the checks for everyone’s safety. Please download and read the tech sheet here, and bring the filled-out form to the event..
AX at the AMCM
Thanks to Jurgen Schwanitz for putting these two test runs of the March 2019 AX course together side by side for two very different 911’s.
Autocross Defined
When you arrive at the autocross, you’ll see a course set up on a large parking lot. Soft, rubber traffic cones will be used to form the course, which consists of turns, slaloms, and straights. Arrive early — see what goes on, volunteer to get involved!
Prepare your car before you arrive
Ideally, you should prepare your car before you arrive. Remove all loose items from your car — floor mats, driver’s carpet, coffee cups, etc. Check tire pressures. You may arrive early and set your parking spot up with a chair and anything else you feel you may need.
Once you arrive…
- Find the registration area
- Confirm your run group and car number
- Complete waiver and registration form
- Sign up for a work station
Bring your family and friends. Â Spectators are free and encouraged.
Technical Inspection
- Drive the car to Tech Inspection (or, they may find you)
- Give registration form to the inspector
- Your car will be inspected for safety
- Display your car number and class as directed
Driver’s Meeting
Check the course map at the timing trailer and attend the driver’s meeting where you will learn about the course:
- Safety
- Danger zones
- Tight corners
- Wet or oil spots
- Uneven or rough pavement
- Flagging and corner worker instructions
- Availability of instructors
Course Walk
Walk the course with an experienced driver (also known as walking the line).
Study the course map, and then walk the course. If no map is provided, make your own. You will be given 10 – 20 minutes to walk the course before run sessions start. The first problem that confronts every autocrosser is staying on course, so the first step is to learn where it goes.
Walk the line (path through the course) you plan to drive as if you were sitting in the driver’s seat. Check for surface bumps, loose gravel and stones, uneven pavement, joints, etc. Stop and study difficult or optional sections of the course to plan your line. Observe other drivers and note where they hit pylons or have difficulty staying on course. Move around the course to observe problem areas from different locations.
At this point, decide how you want to drive the course (with help from your instructor and/or other experienced autocrossers). How to drive the course calls for a plan. And remember, an imperfect plan is always better than no plan at all.
The question autocrossers ask most often is: “How do I determine the best line or path around the course?”. Â Starting off, concentrate only on determining the best line, which may be compared to slalom skiing. In an autocross, we are concerned with three things: time, distance, and speed.
The formula time = distance / speed expresses the relationship of three key factors in autocross. To drive the course in the least possible amount of time, the line must offer the shortest distance and permit the greatest speed. As the formula illustrates, time can be decreased by either shortening the distance or increasing the speed — or better yet, both. Many times it becomes impossible to drive at the highest speed over the shortest distance. When this occurs, the best path is a compromise somewhere between the two extremes.
Once the Competition Starts…
Watch other drivers
What line are they driving?
Where are the braking points?
Where are the shifting points (up and down)?
Now it’s your turn
- Bring your car to the staging area
- Proceed to start line
- Check your seat belt
- Double-check that all loose objects are out of the car
- Focus on how you want to drive the course
Starter gives the OK!
- Launch the car quickly (weigh pros and cons of driveline abuse vs preservation)
- Look several turns ahead if possible
- Know where you want to place the car
- Remember when to brake and shift
If you should spin
- BOTH FEET IN = depress the clutch and brake fully
- Stop the car and don’t start again until corner workers re-start you
- Finish the course and we will give you an applause.
If you see a Red Flag
- Quickly come to a complete stop
- Look for corner workers to re-start you
- Drive the First Run at Reduced Throttle
The Bottom Line…
- Learn to stay on course
- Drive a good line
- Drive smoothly
- Have a good time!